Brand perception and Lovemarks

A Lovemark is a brand to which your loyalty goes beyond reason, a brand that moves you emotionally. To assess whether or not The Body Shop and Yves Rocher are lovemarks, we asked 35 respondents the "Lovemarker" questions, that qualifies different characteristics of the brand, like mystery, sensuality and intimacy, with scores: hot = 2 points, warm = 1 point, cold = 0 point. If the score is higher than 41, the brand is a Lovemark. If the score is lower than 36, then the brand is considered a commodity.

Results for The Body Shop

The Body Shop grade is 55, which is higher than 41: therefore, The Body Shop can be defined as a Lovemark

I further investigated on one of the regular user's opinion to find out if this grade is relevant and she told me that indeed, she goes to The Body Shop to discover and test new products and perfumes. She doesn't mind paying a premium price as she loves the packaging and she can compulsively buy some products that she fell in love with. To her, The Body Shop is like a delicatessen shop where she can pamper herself.

Results for Yves Rocher

Yves Rocher's grade is 31, which is lower than 36: Yves Rocher can therefore be defined as a commodity.

Once again, I further investigated on the user's opinion to find out if this grade is relevant and she told me that indeed, she goes to Yves Rocher only when she has a clear idea of the product she wants to buy, not to hang around the shelves to discover new products. In that case, she associates Yves Rocher with a hypermarket where she goes to buy only what she needs.

However, this grade doesn't reflect her "user experience" in the Yves Rocher beauty salons. She describes her depilation experience as very positive: the staff is very professional and respect your body modesty, the atmosphere is soothing, reassuring thanks to good odours, nice music and dim light.



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